Join the 7-Figure Empire Builders Inner Circle: Transform Your Business with Proven Strategies and Support
Join a thriving community of Fierce Women Entrepreneurs on their journey to building a 7-Figure Empire one brick at a time
Overcome Overwhelm and Inaction: Gain Clarity, Confidence and the Essential Tools to Intentionally Build Your Empire, Brick by Brick

Get Weekly Live Trainings, Monthly Empire Builder Challenges, Actionable Resources, Challenge Progress Trackers, Monthly Ask Me Anything (AMA) Sessions, & a Supportive Community For Only $11/MONTH

Weekly LIVE Coaching & Training
Monthly Empire Building Challenges
F500 Tools & Templates

Look, I know you’ve been in multiple course and programs and have spend your hard-earned money on wack, high-evel, advice that keeps you in the entrepreneurial spincycle, but baby, that’s not going on over here.  PROMISE.  I could easily charge $197 per month for this membership, but I decided to create one that every Passionate Entrepreneur could afford for just $11/month, all while providing you with the invaluable expertise of a Fortune 500 Advisor and some of the same tools I’ve built for Fortune 500 companies. 

I know, I know, you don’t trust me yet, because here’s what you've been told you need to do to grow your business by the multitude of internet coaches you’ve been following online and it’s still not working out for you: 
Post like there's no tomorrow. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and everything in between – if you're not posting it, are you even an entrepreneur? Your followers need to see every single moment. It's all about visibility, folks!
Slide into those DMs like it's your job. The more you message, the closer you are to your next big client. It's a numbers game – play to win. Remember, every DM is a potential sale waiting to happen!
Jump on the TikTok train now! If you're not making TikToks, you're leaving money on the table. It's the new frontier for business growth. Dance, lip-sync, go viral – that's the ticket to success in today's market!
Build funnels, and then build some more. One funnel is never enough. You need a funnel for every aspect of your business. Confuse them with choices, and they'll end up buying something, guaranteed!
Write an eBook, or better yet, several. It doesn't matter what about – just get them out there. eBooks position you as an expert overnight. Flood the market, and watch your credibility soar!
Create online courses like you're running out of time. The more courses you have, the more you look like a seasoned pro. Don't worry about depth – it's all about breadth. flood the market, and the students will come!
Start selling products, any products. Your business isn't just a service; it's a storefront. The more you have on offer, the more you'll sell. It's simple math – more products, more profit!
And remember, all of this is easy! Anyone who says otherwise isn't doing it right. Entrepreneurship is a breeze if you're following these steps. Sleepless nights? Just part of the entrepreneurial charm!
OMG Friend... you are exhausted, aren't you? When is something going to ACTUALLY work?

Let me invite you into a world where you could (like our fellow Fierce Entrepreneurs) use our tested Fortune 500 process to conquer the chaos and carve your path to a thriving empire without all of that fluff and overwhelm:

Take back your time, honey! Forget the chaos and embrace the 'do-it-right' approach. It's about making your minutes count, not just counting them.


Simplify to amplify. Slash through the clutter and zero in on what really matters. Remember, it's not about doing more, it's about doing what's smart.


Focus on actions that really hit the mark. Think of yourself as a business ninja – small, precise moves for a big-time impact. That's how we roll.


Reclaim that work-life balance, friend. Burnout is a no-go. Work smart, enjoy life, and find that perfect harmony where success and self-care meet.


Execute with finesse and watch the results roll in. Busy doesn't equal productive – focus on making a real impact. That's where the magic happens.


Master the art of strategic growth. Conduct your business with intelligence, flair, and a bit of that boss energy. It's all about growing with purpose and style.

I see the foolishness on these internet streets, and frankly, it doesn't sit well with my spirit.  I've heard countless coaches claim to be the best, the gurus, the ones to follow. They're quick to throw others under the bus. But that's not how I operate. Frankly, I don't concern myself with what others are doing. What truly matters to me is the multitude of women I speak with every week, often in tears, wishing they'd met me before investing so much time, energy, and money spinning their wheels.

I stand for the women who have poured their hearts into various strategies, yet never found something that genuinely aligns with their businesses. I advocate for those who've been repeatedly told that they're doing something wrong, that they need to do more, leaving them feeling inadequate and overwhelmed.

I'm here for those women who've been fed countless lies and overloaded with information, only to be left confused. They deserve someone who will deliver the cold hard truth: You don't need to do everything; you just need to do a few things well. Someone who will honestly tell them: Yes, you will fail. You'll stumble time and again. But together, we will learn from these failures and turn them into stepping stones to success.

I'm here for you, the woman who feels she is on her last leg, ready to throw in the towel but still searching for sound guidance. You're strong enough to take action, and I want more for you than what you're currently experiencing.

If you decide this sounds like just another round of internet B.S., that's your choice. But let me assure you, this is a different experience. I offer an environment unlike anything you've encountered before. I'm here, waiting for you, with open arms and a promise to guide you towards your dreams.

Kendra J. Lewis
Founder, Coach, 7-figure Business Architect

Unleashing the Power of Simplicity: My Journey from Chaos to 7-Figure Success
When I first ventured into entrepreneurship, it should have been a smooth ride. After all, I had a solid corporate background, and I knew the ins and outs of business like the back of my hand. However, I found myself constantly hitting roadblocks. Despite my expertise, I was overwhelmed, juggling multiple projects, and falling for every shiny new business trend I came across online. My business was in disarray because I was trying to do everything at once, instead of focusing on the crucial, incremental steps needed for growth.

I realized it was time to take a step back and reassess my approach.

Instead of diving headfirst into building a myriad of complex business structures, I decided to begin with the fundamental, yet often overlooked, first step - validating whether there was even a demand for what I had to offer.


One day, I woke up and posted a rather unpolished announcement on Facebook about a program I hadn't even created yet. To my astonishment, by the end of that day, over  300 people had expressed their interest through comments. I promptly gathered their emails and promised to send them a free guide (which I hadn't created either).

True to my word, I spent the entire night crafting that guide, and the next day, I delivered it to them. Following this, I invited them to a webinar - another event I hadn't yet organized. Surprisingly, my first webinar had 100 attendees, but not a single sale.
Undeterred, I tried a different approach. I set up an email automation sequence to nurture those who had signed up for the webinar but hadn't made a purchase. In this sequence, I offered them a free 15-minute consultation with me. 
It was during one of these calls that I made the first sale of my course.  The first person did a 6 month payment plan for $97 per month (I know, I was cray cray).  But that second sale was on the same day was $500 paid in full.

At this point, something clicked. I realized the importance of a structured process:

1. Validating the demand.
2. Creating a valuable offer.
3. Making a direct ask.
4. Building a pathway to guide people to the offer.
5. Making another direct ask.

Rather than chasing after every new trend that popped up on my social media feeds, I focused on refining and enhancing what I already had in place. By consistently improving these processes, my revenue started to grow. In my first month, I made just a couple of thousand dollars in sales. Within nine months, I reached $300,000 in revenue while still maintaining my 9-to-5 job.

The key to my success was simplicity. My approach involves creating and launching the core foundational elements of your business, continuously refining and optimizing them, and then scaling by adding new elements. It's about doing things step by step, without overwhelming yourself with too much at once.

Today, I've reached the multi seven-figure mark in my business,  and even though I left corporate to go full time entrepreneurs back in 2020, I DID NOT LEAVE until I had reached that million dollar mark.  I built while balancing my corporate job so that I did not have to worry about whether my business worked when I left, I already knew it did.  My journey has shown me the incredible power of keeping things simple and staying committed to making step-by-step progress and impactful moves instead of just DOING STUFF and hoping it lands.

Now, I want to share this process with you, so you too can escape the chaos, overcome overwhelm, and craft your own path to 7-figure success.
So, how does this process work exactly? Let me break it down for you...
A Marathon of Sprints: We're embarking on a journey together. Consider it a marathon composed of strategic sprints. Every month, we'll introduce a new business strategy anchored in Fortune 500 principles. These aren't whimsical actions; they're deliberate steps towards prosperity. You'll have the opportunity to see how each strategy unfolds and the impact it has on your business, fostering growth and resilience.
Decode and Understand: After every sprint comes reflection. We'll dive deep into the data, deciphering the outcomes of your actions and their implications for your business. It's more than just crunching numbers; it's about understanding what these figures signify for your unique business model and objectives.
Adjust and Perfect: With newfound insights, our next step is to tweak and refine your strategies. If an approach works, we will scale it. If it falls short, we learn, pivot, and advance. We're firm believers in the power of continuous evolution, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.
Swift Movement, Swift Wins: We're not about taking it slow. We're about fast-paced movement and swift victories. We believe in launching, learning, and swiftly moving on to the next big thing. Yes, we fail fast, but we also win fast because we're all about strategic, informed actions.
So, how does this process work exactly? Let me break it down for you...
A Marathon of Sprints: We're embarking on a journey together. Consider it a marathon composed of strategic sprints. Every month, we'll introduce a new business strategy anchored in Fortune 500 principles. These aren't whimsical actions; they're deliberate steps towards prosperity. You'll have the opportunity to see how each strategy unfolds and the impact it has on your business, fostering growth and resilience.
Decode and Understand: After every sprint comes reflection. We'll dive deep into the data, deciphering the outcomes of your actions and their implications for your business. It's more than just crunching numbers; it's about understanding what these figures signify for your unique business model and objectives.
Adjust and Perfect: With newfound insights, our next step is to tweak and refine your strategies. If an approach works, we will scale it. If it falls short, we learn, pivot, and advance. We're firm believers in the power of continuous evolution, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.
Swift Movement, Swift Wins: We're not about taking it slow. We're about fast-paced movement and swift victories. We believe in launching, learning, and swiftly moving on to the next big thing. Yes, we fail fast, but we also win fast because we're all about strategic, informed actions.

The Empire Builder’s Blueprint for Aspiring 7-Figure Entrepreneurs
Your Step-by-Step Path to Architecting Your 7-Figure Empire, One Challenge at a Time, with Confidence and Clarity.

When you join the 7-Figure Empire Builders Inner Circle
You get everything you need to transform your empire dreams into reality

Weekly Live Trainings: Gain valuable insights and strategies with our live training sessions, where we cover essential aspects of empire building, helping you take practical steps towards your 7-figure goals.
Monthly Empire Challenges: Participate in monthly challenges spanning strategy, sales, marketing, and mindset, designed to propel you toward your desired outcomes and empower you with actionable knowledge.
Actionable Resources: Access a treasure trove of tools, templates, and resources to help you execute the challenges effectively, providing you with the necessary building blocks for your empire.
Challenge Progress Trackers: Stay organized and on track with progress trackers tailored to each challenge, ensuring you make steady progress and turn your dreams into concrete achievements.
Monthly Ask Me Anything (AMA) Sessions: Get your burning questions answered by experts during our live Q&A sessions, offering you the guidance and clarity you need on your empire-building journey.
Supportive Community: Join a network of like-minded women coaches, consultants, and service providers who share your passion for empire building. This community is your foundation for support, collaboration, and growth
Your 2024 Success Blueprint
Get ready to dive into a year of transformation, growth, and unparalleled success. Here's your exclusive sneak peek into the strategic challenges we'll be tackling together every month throughout 2024. Each challenge is designed to strengthen your business muscles, elevate your strategies, and fast-track your path to success.

Here's a sneak peak of what's inside...
Social Media Positioning Toolkit
Brand Messaging Guide
One Page power Website Template
Livestream Setup Bundle
Livestream Captions that Convert
Live Series automation Interactive Toolkit
10-2-1 Audience Building Accelerator
Weekly Audience Building Planner
First 15 Posts Planner
Opt-in templates
Core 3 email money maker campaigns
Collect the Coins Consultation Call Strategy

But Wait, Chilleeee, Clutch Those Pearls 📿 Tight!

Introducing Bonuses So Exclusive, They Deserve Their Own Red Carpet!

It's time to say goodbye to the solo entrepreneurship journey. Imagine being surrounded by women who not only understand your dreams but are also there to love, support, hold you accountable, and cheer you on every step of the way. Baby, you've found your home with us, and we're not about to leave you hanging.

Get the Spotlight You Deserve: Exclusive Member Shoutouts!

"Results are My Love Language" - A Unique Bonus for 7-Figure Empire Builders

As a member of the 7-Figure Empire Builders, your success is not just celebrated; it's broadcasted! I believe in giving credit where it's due, and when you're showing up and showing out, it's only fair that the world hears about it.

🌟 Weekly Member Spotlight to 30K Followers

Get Featured Across Social Media: Have the chance to be featured across my Facebook and Instagram platforms, reaching an audience of over 30,000 followers. This isn't just any audience; it's a community of engaged, like-minded individuals who are all about supporting and uplifting each other.
Showcase Your Business and Achievements: Whether it's a big win, a new launch, or a milestone you're proud of, this is your opportunity to shine. Let your business and hard work be seen by thousands, increasing your visibility and credibility.
A Boost for Your Brand: Being featured in our member spotlight is more than just a shoutout; it's a powerful marketing boost. Gain exposure, attract new clients, and build your brand's presence in a community that's all about growth and success.

Consider this question:
What if I could help you take decisive action on just one pivotal aspect of your business each month?
Imagine the transformation in your business when you sell that one new offer, get that one additional client, or secure that one essential sale. This single accomplishment could fund your entire year in the 7-Figure Empire Builders.

👉 The 7-Figure Empire Builders Inner Circle is designed for:

The passionate woman entrepreneur who's launched her business but feels overwhelmed and unsure of the next steps towards building her empire
The dedicated side-hustler ready to transition into full-time entrepreneurship and create a thriving business that brings consistent revenue
The high-achiever who craves structure but struggles with information overload and shiny object syndrome, needing a clear roadmap to follow
Anyone tired of consuming endless content without taking meaningful action, ready to implement and see real progress in their business

If you’re asking yourself
“I already bought so many things that didn’t help me, so why do I need the 7-Figure Empire Builders?”
Let me tell you a few things boo:
This is nothing like the things you’ve bought before.
This will help you to flip the switch from struggling with overwhelm to confidently designing your empire.
This will provide you with the accountability, practice, and feedback you need to become an even better Empire Architect, turning your dreams into reality.
This doesn’t just offer theory and knowledge; it also includes done-for-you tools, templates, and resources that you can implement instantly.
There's no risk; we offer a 14-day money-back guarantee, and you can cancel at any time.
This costs less than a couple of cups of coffee at Starbucks, but unlike coffee, this has the potential to transform your entire life by taking you from overwhelm and inaction to confident empire building and action.

 I swear by everything I share with you in this membership because these are the exact tools, tactics, resources, and strategies I used not only to grow my side hustle to 7 figures in 22 months but to sustain and grow my 7-figure business for the past 5 years. These are also some of the same tools I've built for Fortune 500 companies... and I want the same for you!
Go from being overwhelmed, stuck, and unsure of what to do ➤➤➤ To confidently designing your 7-figure empire.
Stop trying scattered strategies that are exhausting, overwhelming, time-consuming, ineffective, or confusing, and ➤➤➤ have a clear plan, focused action, and steady progress.
Stop fighting alone ➤➤➤ get support, feedback, accountability, networking/partnership, and practice opportunities in our amazing members-only community.


This membership is tailored for ambitious women entrepreneurs who are ready to take their business to the next level. Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale up, if you're committed to building a thriving business empire, this community is for you.

We believe in flexibility and empowerment. You are not locked into any long-term contracts and can cancel your membership at any time. Our goal is to provide value, not to bind you with commitments.

The membership offers weekly live trainings, monthly empire-building challenges, actionable resources, progress trackers, monthly AMA sessions, and access to a supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs.

Absolutely! Our trainings are designed to cater to a range of experience levels, from beginners to seasoned entrepreneurs. We ensure that the content is accessible, practical, and beneficial for all members. 

Live trainings are conducted weekly. If you miss a session, don't worry – recordings are made available in the membership portal so you can catch up at your convenience.

Our membership stands out due to its focus on actionable strategies, a supportive community, and resources that are both practical and scalable. We combine the expertise of a Fortune 500 advisor with real-world entrepreneurial experience.

Engage actively in the trainings, participate in the challenges, utilize the resources, and connect with the community. The more you immerse yourself, the greater the benefits you'll reap.

Yes, as long as you have an internet connection, you can access the membership content from anywhere in the world.

Upon joining, you'll receive a welcome email with all the necessary instructions to get started, including how to access the membership portal and join the exclusive Facebook group.

