Free Training: 3 Power Pillars + 4 Authentic Automations to Scale Your Business!
Your business is meant to go BIG, but you've been stuck playing small...
It’s About Time You Stop Sitting on Your Empire!
Let's Build BIG with the Right Structure & Systems to Scale Efficiently—No More Overworking, Just Results.
 DO LESS and EARN MORE with 3 Power Pillars and 4 Authentic Automations that Attract Ready-to-Buy  Clients, Build a Community of Loyal Buyers, and Scale Your Sales & Impact—All While Working Only 7 Hours a Week  👇🏾
(No more feeling overwhelmed by marketing, running on the never-ending treadmill of time, or thinking you need to hire someone just to keep up.)
And if you're struggling to see if $47 is worth it, check out a few comments from my students👇🏽 
Access the LIVE 2-Hour, Group Intensive Working Session Saturday at 11 AM EST
Choose Your Saturday When You Register! Plus, get access to the replay to relive the magic on your own time.
 Who this is for: 
The Seasoned Business Owner Riding the Revenue Roller Coaster: You're managing fluctuating income and overwhelmed by the constant demands to keep revenue flowing. 
The Expert Ready to Digitize Their Wisdom: You've mastered your craft and built a wealth of experience—now you're poised to translate that into online courses or group coaching. Buried under a to-do list and unsure where to start in the digital world, you're looking for a clear path to unlock the power of online income.
The Entrepreneur Drowning in Tasks: You're buried under a to-do list, struggling to find the time for growth-driving activities. 
The Coach, Consultant or course Creator: Eager to book out your calendar  and fill up your group programs but unable to connect with clients willing to pay for your expertise.
The Entrepreneur Needing Simplified Systems: You know the value of systems but find them too complex, leading to frustration and abandonment before seeing benefits.
From Zero to $30K in 8 Weeks: How My Client Launched Her First Online Offer and Activated a New Revenue Stream to her business Using 3 Power Pillars + 4 Authentic Automations™!
 Instead of:
  • Chasing algorithm changes, always trying to catch up but never getting ahead.
  • Posting non-stop on social media, but it feels like nobody's listening.
  • Sitting on a goldmine of ideas, but unsure how to get them out there effectively.
  • Exhausted from the constant hustle, with your big break always just out of reach.

Authentic Automation™ can give you:
  • Waking up to sales and leads, your business booming even as you rest.
  • Steady income you can count on, making financial worries a thing of the past.
  • Enjoying life, finally free from the grind, with a business that runs itself.
  • Standing out from the crowd, drawing customers who can't get enough of what you offer.

That’s the Transformative Power of Authentic Automation™.

Traditionally reserved for our elite clientele or exclusive coaching circle, we’re now unveiling this revolutionary approach to you. Join us for an unprecedented session where we’ll dive deep into how you can leverage the "3 Power Pillars + Authentic Automation ™" to replicate this success. Transform not just your marketing strategy, but your entire business model, into an effortless, revenue-generating engine. 
Curious as to What You'll Actually DO in This Working Session? Check This...

💰 4 Pillars of Revenue Mastery: Interactive System Setup
Dive deep into the mechanics of the four critical pillars of revenue generation with a live, over-the-shoulder walkthrough. I’ll show you exactly how to implement strategies that transform your business into a consistent cash-flow powerhouse, allowing you to look inside my systems to see exactly how I build and optimize each component for maximum efficiency.
🛠️ Intentional Scale Blueprint: A Hands-On Approach
Dive into the mechanics of the four critical pillars of revenue generation with a real-time breakdown. I’ll take you through each pillar, showing you exactly how to implement strategies that transform your business into a consistent cash-flow powerhouse.
🚀 Beating Competitors to Market: Activate Big Business Structure

Discover the secret to launching new ideas faster than your competition with a big business structure that’s both agile and scalable. I'll show you how to rapidly deploy new concepts and innovations with just the click of a button, giving you the tools and strategies to move quickly and effectively in your market. Learn to harness these powerful tactics to stay ahead and keep your business dynamically growing.

🧲 Unlocking Your Silent Partner: Leveraging Automation in Real-Time
Step into the world of Facebook advertising with me as your guide. In this segment, I'll show you exactly how I leverage FB ads to laser-target my audience and ensure a constant flow of highly-qualified leads. You'll get an exclusive look inside my ad account, seeing all my ad setups and strategies in action. Discover how to use this powerful tool as your silent partner to automate and amplify your sales process.
📈 Mastering the 90-Day Growth Cycle: Customizing Your Strategy
Explore the 90-day growth cycle with a live demonstration of the tools and techniques that drive exponential growth. Learn how to tailor these strategies to your business, ensuring you maintain profitability, time efficiency, and a healthy work-life balance through continual innovation and scaling.
Curious as to What You'll Actually DO in This Working Session? Check This...

💰 4 Pillars of Revenue Mastery: Interactive System Setup
Dive deep into the mechanics of the four critical pillars of revenue generation with a live, over-the-shoulder walkthrough. I’ll show you exactly how to implement strategies that transform your business into a consistent cash-flow powerhouse, allowing you to look inside my systems to see exactly how I build and optimize each component for maximum efficiency.
🔄 Automate to Accumulate:System Setup Live

Watch over my shoulder as I set up the core systems necessary for automating your revenue-generating processes. From capturing leads to closing sales, I’ll show you how to automate your operations so you can earn while you sleep.

🚀 Beating Competitors to Market: Activate Big Business Structure

Discover the secret to launching new ideas faster than your competition with a big business structure that’s both agile and scalable. I'll show you how to rapidly deploy new concepts and innovations with just the click of a button, giving you the tools and strategies to move quickly and effectively in your market. Learn to harness these powerful tactics to stay ahead and keep your business dynamically growing.

🧲 Unlocking Your Silent Partner: Leveraging Automation in Real-Time
Step into the world of Facebook advertising with me as your guide. In this segment, I'll show you exactly how I leverage FB ads to laser-target my audience and ensure a constant flow of highly-qualified leads. You'll get an exclusive look inside my ad account, seeing all my ad setups and strategies in action. Discover how to use this powerful tool as your silent partner to automate and amplify your sales process.
📈 Mastering the 90-Day Growth Cycle: Customizing Your Strategy
Explore the 90-day growth cycle with a live demonstration of the tools and techniques that drive exponential growth. Learn how to tailor these strategies to your business, ensuring you maintain profitability, time efficiency, and a healthy work-life balance through continual innovation and scaling.

I've seen all the crazy promises online, and honestly, it's a mess out there. But here's the thing—I'm not in this to show off  or to prove anything. My work with Fortune 500 companies ensures my expertise pays its own dividends. I'm not here because I NEED YOU to fund my lifestyle; that's already taken care of. I'm here by choice, because I CHOOSE YOU over the CEOS of the largest companies in the world.

I get paid handsomely for whispering in the ears of Fortune 500 giants from launching multi- billion dollar brands, to transforming the way jet engines are produced, to travelling the world building the structure systems and technology for Fortune 500 companies to thrive.

But I choose to stand for the women who've run themselves ragged chasing after their entrepreneurial dreams, only to end up with a bunch of broken promises. I'm talking to you if you've thrown everything you've got into plans that just don't stick. To those of you who've been told to just push harder, only to end up feeling lost and beat down.

And for everyone feeling swamped with the 'latest and greatest,' I've got something real for you. I'm not just tossing advice your way. I'm sharing the kind of big-league strategies I used to craft for the largest names out there. Why play small when you've got the chance to go big? Trust me, with the right groundwork, scaling up is a lot easier than you think.

To the fierce fighter almost ready to call it quits but still hunting for that glimmer of hope, I see you. This isn't about scraping by; it's about soaring to new heights.

If you're thinking, "Sure, heard it all before," that's totally your call. But let me tell you, linking up with me? It's a whole different ball game. With the "3 Power Pillars + Authentic Automations™," I'm not just throwing another course at you; I'm leading a charge. I'm here to lift your business up to where it belongs, with the titans, ready and waiting to show you not just how to grow, but how to dominate.

Kendra J. Lewis
 7-figure Business Architect

If you're rolling your eyes behind the screen 'cuz you've attended one too many wack webinars and spent one too many coins and still not seeing any results, then let me just sprinkle in one more tantalizing tidbit:

Sure, there's a galaxy of companies out there promising the 'perfect business blueprint.' But who among them has rolled up their sleeves for Fortune 500 giants, catapulting numerous brands to multi-billion dollar stardom?

🌟 That’s right, yours truly. And now? I'm spilling those high-caliber secrets, reserved for the corporate elite, straight into your entrepreneurial toolkit. Buckle up!

This workshop happens every Saturday at 11 AM EST! You can select your preferred session date after registration. Remember, the magic happens live!

Coaches, course creators, and experts who are ready to scale by stepping away from doing and go into teaching will find this most beneficial, though many strategies can be adapted to other business models.

I get it, trust is hard. But here's the deal—I’m a consultant for Fortune 500 companies, and I've been around long enough with a clean track record. Check my background, and see for yourself!

This is a live session, and you’ll have access to the replay until the following Saturday when it's replaced with the next session’s replay.

You're signing up for an exclusive 2-hour live session where I'll guide you through implementing big business systems using my 3 Power Pillars + 4 Authentic Automations™, complete with live interaction and personalized guidance.

Yes! If you can’t attend live, you’ll receive a replay to watch at your convenience, available until the following Saturday.
